Photo courtesy of Canine Companions for Independence
Canine Companions Service Dog Devon is expertly trained to assist retired USMC Explosive Ordinance Specialist Charlie Linville with everyday tasks, including retrieving his prosthesis, carrying items and much more. Devon, like all Canine Companions service dogs, was provided free of charge.
We can’t reach our goals alone. We need great volunteers to stand with us. We are in need of volunteers for various duties: social media, web design, event staff and more. Contact us to apply.
In Kind Donations
We can’t reach our goals alone. We need great volunteers to stand with us. We are in need of volunteers for various duties: social media, web design, event staff and more. Contact us to apply.
#MobileDogGear has great travel bags that allow you to bring your dog’s treats, toys, water, food and more along easily and conveniently in one great bag with so many storage options including two food storage bags that hold thirty cups of dog food and two collapsible bowls that only collapse when you want them to. And the Week Away Tote Bag even has wheels for easy transport!
All this convenience and when you use the code K9SSERVINGVETS, you’ll receive 5% off and our organization K9s Serving Vets will receive 5% of your purchase price to help us help more Veterans in need of service dogs.

Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve the lives of veterans.
Thank you for your generosity.
“On behalf of the American Battle Monuments Commission, I would like to express my gratitude to K9s Serving Vets (and specifically to Ms. Kira Clark) for helping me understand US Law and veteran sensitivities regarding Service Animals in public spaces. I was working with a small team to develop our policy for how to deal with animals in our overseas American Military Cemeteries, and Kira gave some very expert advice that framed the way we addressed the problem of “emotional support animals” vs “service animals.” As a veteran myself, I’m honored to call Kira a friend and colleague, and I am especially grateful that she has dedicated herself to bettering the lives of our nation’s heroes. Bravo Kira – Keep it up!!”
Major Matthew P. Brown, USA, Retired
Assistant Superintendent, American Battle Monuments Commission
About Us
As the liaison between Veterans, the Department of Veterans Affairs and service dog training organizations, we empower Veterans by helping them partner with service dogs to transform their lives.
PO Box 173
Triangle, VA 22172
[email protected]
Email to request presentations or speaking engagements.
Support K9s Serving Vets